A gas fireplace installed by the home improvement specialists at Don Childree General Contractors will not only add beauty and comfort to your house, but it will also enhance the heating performance of your residence and help you cut back on your energy bill expenditures during the winter season. An additional benefit to installing a gas fireplace system into your home is that it will not require a chimney for venting purposes. We can install it in into almost any area of your home, without significantly altering the layout and design of your room.

Based in South Windsor, Connecticut and servicing the Hartford and Springfield, MA area, Don Childree General Contractor is available to assist you in all of our gas fireplace requirements. We are capable of installing a customized fireplace in any location of your home, which is suited to your style and vision. We can also provide all types of maintenance and repair services that are associated with your fireplace. A few of our gas fireplace installation and maintenance services include:

  • Gas fireplace installation, maintenance and operational instructions for homeowners.
  • Installation of fireplace fan/blower systems or fireplace remote control systems.
  • Regular maintenance and diagnostic services
  • Many designs and styles to choose from, we can install a customized gas fireplace that will add both beauty and value to your home.

Hartford Gas Fireplace Maintenance and Repair

If you currently have a gas fireplace installed in your residence, you will eventually require maintenance services in order to keep it running at its most efficient levels. A fireplace that is not operating at it’s highest capacity will eventually lead you to spend additional money on energy expenditures and it can even possibly be emitting dangerous levels of carbon monoxide into your residence. Carbon monoxide can be a very threatening problem and the fact that it is not visible to the naked eye and can often not be detected by smell, means that you should have a Connecticut fireplace installation and maintenance professional service your fireplace on an annual basis. The home improvement specialists at Don Childree can perform a full assessment on the functionality of your fireplace to ensure that your unit is operating correctly. We have the experience and tools to diagnose and fix any problems that may be occurring.

A gas fireplace installed by Don Childree will provide an enjoyable atmosphere for your home, which will be much more safer for your family and guests, compared to a wood burning fireplace. Contact Don Chidlree today at (860) 290-9117 for a free consultation and estimate and we will meet with you to personally to review all of the options available. This will allow us to customize your fireplace to your specifications and give your home an added sense of comfort and elegance, which you and your family will enjoy for many years to come!

Don Childree General Contractor of South Windsor, Connecticut provides Foundation Inspection & Repair, Foundation Waterproofing , Kitchen Remodeling Services, Bathroom Remodeling Services, Window & Door Installation, Fireplace Installation, Kitchen Renovations, Finished Basement, Decks & Patios, General Household Repairs, Roofing & Siding and more. Our service area includes the following towns and surrounding areas in Connecticut; Greater Hartford Area, Hartford County, Middlesex County, West Hartford and the Springfield MA, Glastonbury, Marlborough, Colchester, Columbia, Andover, Newington, Bolton, Manchester, Vernon, East Hartford, West Hartford, Cromwell, Rocky Hill, Whethersfield, Torrington, Lebanon, Vernon. Counties: Tolland, Hartford, New London, Middlesex. Contact us today for a FREE Consultation!